How To Simplify Your Business — Saving You Time, Money, And Endless Headaches

Do you struggle to keep track of everything you're supposed to keep track of? Systems that are supposed to link up but never quite do what they're supposed to do? Hours wasted on overcomplicated tasks that could be automated?

31 Steps To a Smart Business

Are Your Business Systems Costing You Precious Time And Money?

So, I have a friend running this bicycle business. Actually he sells a lot of stuff: bicycles, roller skis, accessories and all sorts of equipment for spring and summer fun, and winter stuff like skis, poles, spiked tires for winter cycling, winter cycling shoes/gloves/suits…

He's doing okay, but — like many business owners — he could always do better. He wants to do better… But he needs to fix his systems.

For example, he services bicycles for his customers. The services aren’t scheduled — usually people will just call him when they want it fixed or just checked to see if it's ready for the season.

He does have a “system” for keeping track of repairs, parts used, and other details, for a particular customer’s bike. It started life as a spreadsheet, then he put together some software.

But his software doesn’t do what he needs it to, and it's not optimal. So he asked me if I could come up with something better.

I could, of course. This is what I do.

In fact, with my background as a pretty successful business owner, I could come up with a lot of ideas he should incorporate into this business-wide system not only to make bicycle repairs easier to keep track of, but also benefit other areas of his business.

Just off the top of my head, here’s what I suggested:

  • Keeping track of changing customer data and contact information
  • Keeping track of customers’ bicycle repairs and parts used
  • Keeping track of when things happened
  • Automatically schedule time for a new yearly service for each customer
  • ... and send out reminders by text message
  • Integrate all this with an email system, so he can send customers and clients promotional offers from time to time
  • Allow him to make a note of what else his customers buy, so he can offer them products and services relevant to them personally

These are just a few of the things he could do with a fully integrated back-office system. It could save him a fortune in time and money… but I hope you can see how it could also make him a lot more money in regular services, increased likelihood of people servicing their equipment in the first place, and increased sales from more frequent and relevant promotions.

It’s a sound investment, because I estimate that he could make his money back within three months. After that, it’s all profit. Because this isn’t just a software solution for my clients. It’s a business solution. It solves business problems.

Click here to find out if you qualify for a free telephone consultation. Answer a few simple questions and if your business is suitable, you can schedule a call and tell me your business problems — and let’s see if we can solve them.

31 Steps To a Smart Business