How To Simplify Your Business — Saving You Time, Money, And Endless Headaches

Do you struggle to keep track of everything you're supposed to keep track of? Systems that are supposed to link up but never quite do what they're supposed to do? Hours wasted on overcomplicated tasks that could be automated?

Pre-qualify for a FREE 30-minute phone call

On this page, you can pre-qualify for a FREE 30-minute phone call with someone from my team.

But first, we have to go through the rules:

The Rules

Here's the thing: we don't work with just anyone. We have strict rules, and we stick to them. Because nobody can be all things to all people, so we don't try.

  1. My team and I never take calls without an appointment. We don't 'discuss a project' out of the blue. We don't have time. That's why we invite you to pre-qualify for a call and schedule an appointment beforehand (which is why you're here now, right?)
  2. I don't tolerate missed appointments. My time, and my team's time, is valuable. Miss an appointment and you won't get another one.
  3. I don't give free advice. Ever. I understand if you have a ton of questions about working with us and investing in our services; and we'll happily answer them as best we can during the call. But we don't give free advice that other clients are paying for. It's not fair on them (or us).
  4. If you're after the "best price", we're not a good fit. It's not about price; it's about value and ROI. I'm not Walmart, so don't ask. If you want cheap, go elsewhere.
  5. Don't offer "publicity" or "great exposure"; we don't need it, and it's insulting. If you want our help with something beyond the free initial call, be prepared to hand over a wedge of cash.

Why the strict rules? Well, don't get the wrong picture - we're really nice people. But I only want my team to work with the right kind of clients. Ones who understand the value of what we offer, who understand how to run a business, and who want results. We don't want to work with people who need to be treated like mummy's special snowflake.

Most importantly, though, I need you to be able to trust both me and my team.

Studies show people who try to be all things to all people aren't to be trusted. I'm not like that. I can (and have) turned away clients because they're not the right fit and because I don't think I can help them.

I want you to know that if you qualify for a call, and after that qualify to work with us, I and my team will do the absolute best to get great results for you — even if it means telling you stuff you might not want to hear.

This isn't for everyone.

OK, with that out of the way...

You'll find the form below. To pre-qualify for the FREE 30-minute call, please fill it in as best as you can.

The better you answer the questions, the better we can determine if we're a good fit or not. The most common reason for not qualifying for a call is because we haven't received enough information. If you want the free call, please give us all relevant information we need to understand your business.

Oh, and one more thing before we get to it. If you find it difficult to fill in the form, to the point where you don't understand what I mean by "systems" and "procedures" and almost want to puke or give up... It might just be that you don't have enough background knowledge. No shame in that - if that's the case, I suggest you instead subscribe to the 31 Steps To a Smart Business (go back to the front page and fill in the form) and go through them first. They're very, very powerful and you'll learn a lot. I promise. Then go back here after you've completed the 31 Steps.

Still here? Great!

Let's get crackin'. Here's the form:

First Name (required)

Last Name (required)

Business Name (required)

Primary Email (required)

Contact Phone Number (required)

Website Address (required)

Tell us about you and your business - what does your business do, where are you based and who are your customers? What problems do you solve for your customers?

Whats your role in the business - what do you do?

How many employees?

What are your biggest frustrations and problems in your business right now? Name up to three:

What are your business goals? How do you plan to reach them? What problems will occur if you don't reach your goals?

In an ideal world, how would you reach your goals or solve your problems if you could? Tip for thought: Would it help to have better procedures, routines and systems in place?

Do you have any existing systems, programs or routines in place today to help you solve these problems? How do they work for you - can they be improved?

What have you tried or done already to solve these problems?

How much do you agree with the following claims (1 - totally disagree, 5: either/or, 10: totally agree). Please be totally honest.

1. My business is doing pretty well financially

2. I could easily improve my business with relatively simple measures

3. I'm frustrated with my business

4. I think better systems, routines and procedures would improve my business, but I'm unsure of which systems and how to approach the problems

5. I hate being a business owner

6. I spend too much time working

7. I'm too stressed out

8. I spend too much time keeping track of things (making sure things are delivered, handle returns, do the invoicing, doing client/customer followup etc)

9. If I'd left for two months, my business would've been bust when I got back

10. All in all I'm doing pretty well, but I'd like to improve my business even further

11. I'm desperate

Just curious: How did you hear about us: