How To Simplify Your Business — Saving You Time, Money, And Endless Headaches

Do you struggle to keep track of everything you're supposed to keep track of? Systems that are supposed to link up but never quite do what they're supposed to do? Hours wasted on overcomplicated tasks that could be automated?

31 Steps To a Smart Business

About Code Brewers

What kind of a world do you live in?

Is it a world of unrealistic expectations? One in which everything is rosy, perfect customers walk magically through the doors without any effort whatsoever?

A world where you get huge profits from doing very little? After all, aren't you entitled to a thriving business?

Or do you live in the real world?

If you live the rose-tinted world of unrealistic expectations, move your mouse up to the little 'x' on the tab, and I'll bid you good day.

But if you live in the real world, a world in which knowledge, discipline, hard work, great systems, routines, rules and procedures create healthy, thriving businesses, I'd like to shake you by the hand. Metaphorically speaking.

Because, in my humble (but correct) opinion, most failed businesses fail because they're not willing to do what's necessary to thrive. They're waiting for someone to come along with a bright shiny object that'll fix everything, with no effort on their part. They think the world owes them a living.

But you and I know the world doesn't work like that.

So here's what I and my team can do for you:

  • Show you what you need to know and do to create a business that runs smoothly and lets you get on with what you do best
  • Help you stop fighting fires and floundering from one messy crisis to the next — and instead put in a simple, easy-to-follow operating system for your entire business, so you can work on it instead of in it
  • Put in place procedures, rules, and routines that enable you to keep track of everything in your business easily — no more lost orders, forgotten calls, lost invoices, or technical issues
  • A comprehensive, simple system that brings all your orders, invoices, customer information, delivery information — everything, in fact — together, to make your life easy
  • Create a mapping process for your business that adds tracking and accountability to everything you do, so you know exactly what's going on, with whom, and when — remember: what gets measured improves!
  • Give you a step-by-step process that will allow you to build your business steadily, with support systems and back-office programs that make it all run smoothly
  • Put in place a system that will enable your business to run smoothly without you — so you can spend time with your family and friends, doing the stuff that makes life fun

In short: we'll help you transform your business for the better, give you a competitive advantage, and give you time to enjoy your real life — the one outside the office.

The Rules

But here's the thing: we don't work with just anyone. We have strict rules, and we stick to them. Because nobody can be all things to all people, so we don't try.

  1. My team and I never take calls without an appointment. We don't 'discuss a project' out of the blue. We don't have time. That's why we invite you to pre-qualify for a call and schedule an appointment beforehand. (You can do that here.)
  2. I don't tolerate missed appointments. My time, and my team's time, is valuable. Miss an appointment and you won't get another one.
  3. I don't give free advice. Ever. I understand if you have a ton of questions about working with us and investing in our services; if that's the case, drop me an email or schedule a call, and I'll happily answer them. But I don't give free advice that other clients are paying for. It's not fair on them (or me).
  4. If you're after the "best price", we're not a good fit. It's not about price; it's about value and ROI. I'm not Walmart, so don't ask. If you want cheap, go elsewhere.
  5. Don't offer me "publicity" or "great exposure"; I don't need it, and it's insulting. If you want my help with something, be prepared to hand over a wedge of cash.

Why the strict rules? Because I only want my team to work with the right kind of clients. Ones who understand the value of what we offer, who understand how to run a business, and who want results. We don't want to work with people who need to be treated like mummy's special snowflake.

Most importantly, though, I need you to be able to trust me.

Studies show people who try to be all things to all people aren't to be trusted. I'm not like that. I can (and have) turned away clients because they're not the right fit and because I don't think I can help them.

I want you to know that if you qualify to work with us, I and my team will do the absolute best to get great results for you — even if it means telling you stuff you might not want to hear.

This isn't for everyone.

But if you think it'll be good for you, click here and see if you qualify for a call.


Vegard Svanberg

Certified Code Brewer & Small Business Expert

P.S. If you haven't been in touch with us before, you've two choices at this point, really. You can:

  1. Sign up to the "31 Steps To a Smart Business" - just enter your name and email address below and the first Step will be in your inbox in a just a few seconds
  2. Or you can Click Here Now to see if you qualify for a free 30 minute call.

Or you can do both.

Whatever you choose, I highly recommend you subscribe to the 31 Steps, though.

31 Steps To a Smart Business