How To Simplify Your Business — Saving You Time, Money, And Endless Headaches

Do you struggle to keep track of everything you're supposed to keep track of? Systems that are supposed to link up but never quite do what they're supposed to do? Hours wasted on overcomplicated tasks that could be automated?

31 Steps To a Smart Business

Back-office systems and software aren't fun.

Sales and marketing is fun. Increased profits and more free time are fun. Growing your business is fun.

But your systems and software behind the scenes? Not so much.

Boring, right?

Well, what if I told you those systems and software could be costing you a small fortune in time, lost profits, and even your health? What if you learned that cash could be leaking out all over the place because your systems are overly complicated? Wouldn't you want to put a stop to it?

Want to stop leaking cash? Schedule a call today.

Is Your Business Leaking Cash?

It's all very well growing your business and making more profits but you could be pouring money into one end of the business while cash is leaking out the back of it. One of the quickest ways to increase your profits and give you more free time is to simplify your systems.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Your business has grown — you've added new products, new clients, new suppliers, new employees, and new areas… but now your business is much more complex, transaction volumes have gone up, and your existing systems and processes are struggling to keep up.
  • Your IT department or consultant is great, but they don't fully understand your business priorities and how to automate everything to achieve your goals. So your back office systems are clunky and inefficient.
  • You have a whole pile of disparate systems, spreadsheets, and databases that don't talk to each other and are difficult to work with — meaning you waste precious hours pulling everything together and creating reports.
  • It takes weeks to pull full financial data and management reports together from all your systems — taking staff away from more profitable activities.
  • You dread audits, financial reporting, and tax deadlines, because pulling together everything you need is a nightmare — taking up valuable time you could be spending elsewhere, growing your business (or at home with your family).
  • You struggle to keep track of customer data and contact information — and link it to enquiries, purchases, and communications. You worry about all those missed opportunities.
  • You'd love to be able to schedule follow-up messages, appointments, and sales automatically — but your current systems simply won't allow it.
  • Your accounts are a pain in the arse to complete and you're worried about payroll — and your numbers are a bit of a mystery to you, so you struggle to track progress.
  • The sales process is clunky and your sales people are finding it difficult to follow procedures — and it looks like you're missing opportunities.
  • There are Post-Its and scraps of paper all over the place with notes to call back prospects, send stuff out, and generally remember to do things… only without proper order processes, routines, checklists, and smart systems it's incredibly stressful — and you suspect opportunities are getting missed.

Got growing pains? Schedule a call today and put a stop to them.

Stop The Growing Pains

If you nodded in sympathy with any of these situations, you're not alone. The problem is, small businesses start off with one or two systems, perhaps a couple of spreadsheets and an email program, and everything's fine.

But then you start growing. You add employees, so you need a payroll system. Your customer list grows, so you need a more sophisticated database. You need to produce audits, financial reports, and stock inventories — so you start adding other programs, new bits of software, and ever-more complicated databases and spreadsheets…

…until you've got an angry, bloated, juggernaut of a back-office system that just doesn't do what you need it to (and seems to go out of its way to make your life difficult). None of your individual systems work well with other systems and there's no real integration or automation, so you have to do almost everything by hand — slowly — and hope it's accurate.

Create An Easy Life

Wouldn't it be much better to have a system behind the scenes that ties everything together for you and makes your entire business run smoothly and efficiently?

Imagine how much time — and money — you could save with a system that's perfectly designed for your business, not a one-size-fits-all solution. You can get software that claims to integrate your systems for you, but it's never exactly what you need. There are always limits or issues as you crowbar it into your business and hope it works with what's already there.

But it doesn't have to be that way: you could work with a system that's created especially for you and your business, working with what's already there to help you achieve your business goals.

Perhaps most importantly, though, you can save a shitload of time and energy with something tailor-made for you, rather than wrestling software that almost does the job but doesn't quite hit the spot.

Want an easy life? Schedule a call today and discover how.

Struggling with downtime? Schedule a call and we'll sort that out.

All this might seem like software, systems, and programs… but we're not talking about a mere software solution here. This is a business solution. A smart business solution.

No more downtime as your systems struggle to work with each other. No more endless hours wasted trying to pull data from different places into financial and management reports so you can measure your progress. No more ineffective, complicated systems that make your life more difficult. Just one, tailor-made Smart Business program designed specifically for your business, that simplifies and automates all your back-office tasks. One tailor-made Smart Business program that saves you time, money, and headaches.

The thing is, though, Smart Business isn't for everyone. It's not a packaged solution that never quite works as it should; it's a tailor-made back-office system designed especially for you and your business.

If your business is doing great things at the front end, but your back-end is holding you back, you need to talk to us. Click here and find out if you qualify for a free discovery call. It could be the most valuable thing you do this year.

31 Steps To a Smart Business

31 Steps To a Smart Business